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Frequently asked questions

How do I install Flow Wallet?
Navigate to the Download page and select your desired platform (Android, iOS, or Chrome Extension). Proceed to download Flow Wallet.
How do I transfer my existing Flow and tokens?
You can send FLOW and other tokens from another account to a new account on Flow Wallet. Simply copy your Flow address within Flow Wallet, and go to your existing wallet and send funds to your new wallet address. You can find your address on the top of your Chrome extension (in the format 0xABC123DEF456), or on the accounts page on your iOS or Android app.
How do I send tokens?
From within Flow Wallet, select “SEND”, and enter the destination account address and quantity of tokens to send.
What tokens do we support?
FLOW and any other tokens on Flow.
Does Flow Wallet support collectibles?
Yes! There is a collectibles section within Flow Wallet where you can view the collectibles held in your account.
Where can I find my public address?
You can find your address on the top of your Chrome extension (in the format 0xABC123DEF456), or on the accounts page on your iOS or Android app.
How do I keep my wallet safe?
Always be sure to back up your recovery phrase in a secure place.

Make sure to use Flow Wallet on a private device that you trust.

Never expose your recovery phrase to anyone else. Otherwise, they can have full access to your wallet.
How do I contact support?
Send us a message on Discord (discord.gg/flow)
What is a Recovery Phrase?
A recovery phrase  (also known as a seed phrase or mnemonic) is a series of words generated by Flow Wallet. You can think of it as a secret piece of information that helps secure your account. Always be sure to back up your recovery phrase in a safe location, and never share your recovery phrase with anyone else.
Why can’t I receive any tokens?
Flow requires a fungible token vault to be configured on your account before you can receive different types of fungible tokens. You can configure your account for various fungible tokens directly in Flow Wallet.
Why can’t I receive NFTs?
Same as fungible tokens, Flow requires a non-fungible token vault to be configured on your account before you can receive different types of non-fungible tokens. You can configure your account for various non-fungible tokens directly in Flow Wallet.
How can I import my private key / account?
If Flow Wallet generated your account, all you need to do is import your recovery phrase and password to restore you account.

If your recovery phrase was generated from another wallet, then Flow Wallet is not able to find your Flow address and therefore cannot import your account. In this case, you can create a new account using your recovery phrase.
How can I switch between Mainnet and Testnet?
Head to the Settings tab on the home screen of Flow Wallet, go to Developer Mode, enable Developer Mode, and select the Network of your preference.

Remember that nothing on TestNet has any value and is used for developers to test contract interactions. Never trust anyone telling you that you can earn money and instructing you to use TestNet to do so!
How do I report a bug?
Shoot us a message in Discord (discord.gg/flow). We always appreciate any reports!
How do I delete my account?
To delete your account:

1. Login to your Flow Wallet application
2. Navigate to your profile
3. Select 'Account List'
4. Select the account you would like to delete
5. Select the 'Delete Account' button

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